Fig. 1 PET bottles are a huge problem in the natural environment. Photo: Colourbox

Fig. 2 Images showing the effect of PET nanoparticles (PET NPs) at 24 hours (A) and 72 hours (B) on early stages of zebrafish embryo development. Photo: Bashirova et al. Scientific Reports 13: 1891 (2023)
之前介绍过有关微塑料研究的信息:“科学家首次在血液中发现微塑料”、“首次从植物叶子上的水中发现了微塑料”。今天再来介绍来自德国莱比锡大学(Leipzig University)2023年3月8日提供的消息,莱比锡大学和德国莱比锡的亥姆霍兹环境研究中心 (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research/ Helmholtz-Zentrums für Umweltforschung简称UFZ, Leipzig, Germany) 的科学家调查了微小塑料聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(polyethylene terephthalate简称PET)颗粒对生物体新陈代谢和发育的负面影响。以“纳米塑料如何影响新陈代谢(How nanoplastics can influence metabolism)”为题进行了简要介绍。相关研究结果于2023年2月2日已经在《科学报告》(Scientific Reports)杂志网站发表——Narmin Bashirova, David Poppitz, Nils Klüver, Stefan Scholz, Jörg Matysik, A. Alia. A mechanistic understanding of the effects of polyethylene terephthalate nanoplastics in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo. Scientific Reports, Published: 02 February 2023. volume 13, Article number: 1891. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-28712-y. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-28712-y
参与此项研究的除了来自莱比锡大学和亥姆霍兹环境研究中心(UFZ)的研究人员之外,还有来自荷兰莱顿大学莱顿化学研究所(Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands)的研究人员。
用于制造瓶子的塑料PET在我们的自然环境中无处不在。上述图1(Fig. 1)显示PET瓶在自然环境中是一个巨大的问题。图2(Fig. 2)显示PET纳米颗粒 (PET nanoparticles简称PET NPs) 在24小时(A)和 72小时(B)对斑马鱼(zebrafish, Danio rerio)胚胎发育早期阶段的影响。
他们发现微小的塑料颗粒在模型动物的几个器官包括肝脏、肠道、肾脏和大脑中积累。此外,PET纳米塑料导致胚胎出现行为异常,因为观察到的运动较少。“我们的研究首次深入了解了PET纳米塑料诱导的毒性途径以及完整斑马鱼幼虫的潜在破坏机制。我们发现肝功能明显受损并且存在氧化应激。PET纳米塑料还影响生物体的细胞膜和能量学(energetics),”通讯作者、莱比锡大学医学院医学物理和生物物理学研究所(Faculty of Medicine’s Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics, Leipzig University, Germany)及荷兰莱顿大学莱顿化学研究所的科学家艾莉雅·马蒂西克(Alia Matysik)博士说。
PET积累改变生物体生物化学(PET accumulation alters organism biochemistry)
高分辨率魔角旋转 (High-resolution magic-angle spinning简称HRMAS) 是一种将核磁共振 (NMR) 应用于固体和软物质的非侵入性分析技术,用于研究斑马鱼胚胎。这种科学方法的优点是能够从外部观察物质,而不必破坏组织或将仪器插入体内。本研究将斑马鱼细胞和组织的新陈代谢研究与细胞分析和行为测试相结合。“我们使用最先进的分析NMR方法来全面系统地了解受PET纳米塑料影响的代谢途径。我们能够观察到PET积累如何改变生物体的生物化学,”艾莉雅·马蒂西克博士说。
“这项研究发现突出了PET纳米塑料的不利影响,这种不利影响已在斑马鱼胚胎中观察到,也可能在哺乳动物和人类中发挥作用。虽然我们对这个问题还没有明确的答案,但现在可以安全地假设PET纳米塑料正在破坏我们的生态系统。无论如何,应防止塑料进入环境。据推测,避免这种形式的浪费将是不久的将来面临的巨大挑战,”参与他妻子研究的莱比锡大学分析化学研究所(Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Leipzig University, Germany)的约尔格·马蒂西克(Jörg Matysik)教授说。
Plastic pollution, especially by nanoplastics (NPs), has become an emerging topic due to the widespread existence and accumulation in the environment. The research on bioaccumulation and toxicity mechanism of NPs from polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is widely used for packaging material, have been poorly investigated. Herein, we report the first use of high-resolution magic-angle spinning (HRMAS) NMR based metabolomics in combination with toxicity assay and behavioural end points to get systems-level understanding of toxicity mechanism of PET NPs in intact zebrafish embryos. PET NPs exhibited significant alterations on hatching and survival rate. Accumulation of PET NPs in larvae were observed in liver, intestine, and kidney, which coincide with localization of reactive oxygen species in these areas. HRMAS NMR data reveal that PET NPs cause: (1) significant alteration of metabolites related to targeting of the liver and pathways associated with detoxification and oxidative stress; (2) impairment of mitochondrial membrane integrity as reflected by elevated levels of polar head groups of phospholipids; (3) cellular bioenergetics as evidenced by changes in numerous metabolites associated with interrelated pathways of energy metabolism. Taken together, this work provides for the first time a comprehensive system level understanding of toxicity mechanism of PET NPs exposure in intact larvae.